DU Result 2025 [KA, KHA, GA Units] ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় রেজাল্ট

You can check Dhaka University Result 2025 for KA, KHA, GA, and CHA Units on admission.eis.du.ac.bd. Dhaka University offers undergraduate admission to students through a competitive Admission process. As one of the leading universities in the country, gaining admission is a significant achievement for aspiring students. The admission process starts with Publishing Circular followed by submission of applications, Admission test, Admission test Result, and concludes with Subject Allocation.

Eligible students must complete the application form within the deadline from November 4 to November 27, 2025. They must then take the Admission examination, which will be held on different dates in January to February 2025. Once the admission test is complete, the university will announce the DU Admission Result 2024.

Update: CHA and IBA Unit Result published on January 23, 2025. It is important for candidates to know the dates related to Dhaka University admissions. This includes submitting necessary documentation, Admission Test Date, the official website for the DU results, and Related Information.

Dhaka Result 2025

The University of Dhaka conducted its undergraduate admission tests for the academic session 2024-25. The admission process was highly competitive, with 1,22,886 applicants fighting for 2,934 available seats across various faculties.

The admission tests began on January 3rd, 225 IBA Unit, followed by the Fine Arts Unit admission test on January 4t, 2025. On January 25, the Humanities Unit admission test will be held, On February 8, Business Studies Unit and on February 15, the Science Unit Admission test took place.

Dhaka University admission results 2024 will be published few days later after complete the admission said the University’s Vice-Chancellor. For those interested in checking their DU Admission Result for 2025, it is recommended to visit the admission website at admission.eis.du.ac.bd.

Update: Dhaka University CHA and Fina Arts Unit Admission test Result has published on January 23, 2025.

How to Check DU Admission Result

Every Year, a large number of students attend the Dhaka University admission test. Dhaka University has provided multiple methods for students to check their admission results. Here is a guide on how to check the results.

Dhaka University has made the result checking system easy for everyone through both online and SMS methods. Students can verify their results online by visiting the official Dhaka University website. Dhaka University has published the admission test results for the 2024-2025 academic session. The results can be accessed through the university’s official website: admission.eis.du.ac.bd. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Dhaka University result page (admission.eis.du.ac.bd).
  2. Go to the Login option.
  3. Log in with the required information.
  4. Navigate to the Student Dashboard.
  5. Check the detailed results for each unit.

Dhaka University Result 2025 by SMS

Students can check their admission results via SMS. This method can be especially convenient for those without reliable internet access. To receive the result via SMS, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the messaging app on your mobile phone.
  2. Type: DU <space> <Unit Name> <space> <Roll Number>
  3. Send the message to 16321.

For example, if a student is checking the result for the B Unit and their roll number is 123456, the message would be: DU B 123456. The result will be sent to the student’s mobile phone as a reply message.

To know the Dhaka University Admission Result for a specific unit, follow the appropriate format according to the unit of your preference:

  • KA Unit: To receive the KA Unit result, type DU KA <Roll_Number> and send it to the number 16321.
  • KHA Unit: For KHA Unit result, type DU KHA <Roll_Number> and send it to the number 16321.
  • GA Unit: To get the GA Unit result, type DU GA <Roll_Number> and send it to the number 16321.
  • CHA Unit: For CHA Unit result, type DU CHA <Roll_Number> and send it to the number 16321.

Remember to replace <Roll_Number> with your actual roll number from the admission test. Once the SMS is sent, you will receive a reply containing the admission result for the respective unit you inquired about.

Subject or Department Choice

Dhaka University offers a wide range of subjects for undergraduate students in its various faculties. When applying for admission, students must carefully consider their interests, future career goals, and academic strengths when choosing a subject or department.

When the admission test results are announced, students who pass the exam will need to select their preferred subjects. The subject choice process takes place online, and students must use their registration number and exam roll to access the platform. Students should research and weigh their department choices carefully, as the selection process will ultimately influence their academic journey and future career.

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