Khulna University Admit Card 2025 –

Are you Preparing for the Khulna University Admission Test 2025? The Khulna University Admit Card 2025 has been released for all units. As a prospective student, you must download your KU admit card from the official website, before the admission test. The admission tests for the academic year 2024-2025 are scheduled for April 17-18, 2025. Remember, without your admit card, you won’t be allowed to enter the admission hall.

Only candidates who have been selected as KU eligible candidates list can download their admit cards. The admission tests will be conducted for four units: A, B, C and D. If you are from the Science group, you can apply for A and B units, while students from all groups (Science, Business and Humanities) can apply for C and D units. The application process was completed from January 10 to February 10, 2025.

To download your KU Admit Card, visit the official website and log in using your User ID and Password. Ensure you have your admit card with you, as it is your only entry ticket to the admission test. The admit card is crucial for your participation in the test, so make sure to download it within the specified timeframe.

The KU admission test will be a combination of multiple-choice questions (MCQ) and written format, totaling 100 marks. The MCQ section will account for 60 marks, while the written section will be 40 marks. To be considered for admission, you must score at least 40% in the admission test. The tests for A and B units will be held on April 18, 2025 and for C and D units on April 17, 2025.

Khulna University Admit Card 2025

The Khulna University Admit Card 2025 is a important document for all candidates participating in the upcoming admission tests. The admit cards will be available for download starting in April 2025. The importance of the admit card in the admission process cannot be overstated. It contains vital information, such as your exam center, roll number, and other personal details that are necessary for the examination. Additionally, the admit card serves as a verification paper, ensuring that only eligible candidates sit for the test. Without it, you will not be allowed entry into the exam hall.

To download your Khulna University Admit Card 2025, you will need your user ID and password. This information is essential for getting the admit card on the official website. Remember, the admit card is not just a formality; it is a mandatory document that you must present in the exam hall.

How to Download KU Admit Card

It is important to follow the steps carefully to ensure you have everything to download the admit card. The only official website to download your admit card is The admit cards will be available for download starting in April 2025. Here are the steps to download your KU Admit Card:

  1. Go to, the dedicated portal for Khulna University admissions.
  2. Use your user ID and password to log in to your admission profile.
  3. Once logged in, find the section specifically for downloading the admit card.
  4. Follow the instructions to download your admit card.
  5. Ensure you print it on A4 size paper in color for clarity and legibility.

It’s advisable not to wait until the last minute to download your admit card. Doing so could lead to unnecessary stress or technical issues. Additionally, make sure to print your admit card in color on A4 size paper to ensure all details are visible and clear.

KU Admission Test Schedule

The Khulna University admission tests will be held across four units: A, B, C and D. The admission test is divided into two parts: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and a written format, totaling 100 marks. The MCQ section test will held for 60 marks, while the written section will be 40 marks. To pass the MCQ part of the test, you need to score at least 30% (18 marks). If you fail to achieve this, your written answers will not be evaluated. For the written part, you need to score at least 12 marks. Overall, your total score from both parts must be at least 40 out of 100 to be considered for admission. Here are the specific dates for each unit’s admission test:

Unit Name Admission Test Date
A Unit April 18, 2025
B Unit April 18, 2025
C Unit April 17, 2025
D Unit April 17, 2025

General Instructions for Admission Test 2025

As you prepare for the Khulna University Admission Test 2025, it’s essential to adhere to the general instructions to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience.

  • Make sure to confirm your respective seat at least 30 minutes before the admission test begins.
  • You will be allowed to enter the examination center only upon presenting your admit card.
  • Each candidate must bring two printed copies of the downloaded admit card.
  • You are allowed to use a standard calculator of model Fx-100 or below (without memory option/SIM) in the examination hall.
  • Mobile phones, smartwatches, Bluetooth devices, or any communication-enabled devices are strictly prohibited in the examination hall.


The Khulna University Admit Card 2025 is an essential document that you must download and carry to the admission test. You can download the admit card from the official website, The Khulna University Admission Test for the academic year 2024-2025 will be held on April 17-18, 2025. The test will take place across four units: A, B, C, and D. The test format includes both Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and a written section, totaling 100 marks. To be considered for admission, you need to score at least 40% overall. Also, you need to score specific minimum marks in both the MCQ and written sections.

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