NU Result 2025 – result (জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়)

The NU Result 2025 for National University Degree, Honours, Masters and Professional Courses. NU Result refers to the official exam results for various programs offered by the National University, Bangladesh. National University (NU) in Bangladesh is one of the largest public universities. It conducts various examinations for programs such as Honours, Degree, Masters. You can check your results for Honours, Masters, Degree, and Professionals programs directly from the official website Result.

In this article, you’ll find detailed information about National University Result 2025, including how to check your results online and via SMS. We’ll guide you through the process of accessing the official NU result link, explain the different types of results published by NU, and provide insights into result publication timelines. Whether you’re looking to view your mark sheet or CGPA, the NU Result Archive has all the information you need.

NU Result 2025

The National University releases different results throughout the year for various academic programs. You can easily check your NU result 2025 For Honours, NU Degree Result, NU Masters Result online through National University Result Links. Students typically need to enter their registration number, exam year, and Select Course name to view their results. You can check your Result through multiple methods, mainly online through the official website ( or via SMS. The university typically releases results within three to four months after the completion of exams.

The results are usually published in phases, with different programs and years of study having their own release dates. To stay informed regularly check the official National University website.

NU Degree 3rd Year Result 2025 – মার্কসহ রেজাল্ট দেখুন

NU Degree 3rd Year Result 2025

NU Latest Published Result

National University Frequently releases results for various courses throughout the year. Results are typically announced on the official NU website. You can expect to see press releases that provide detailed information about the latest results. These announcements typically include important details such as the specific course, examination year, result published Date and Time.

When a new result is published, the university will provide detailed instructions on each program’s exam participate number, passing rate, exam year, and how to collect the result. Generally, you can expect your results to be published within three to four months after your exams.

Exam Name Exam Dates Estimate Result Date
Honours 4th Year November 17, 2024
Degree Admission Application: June 5 to June 30,2024 In September, 2024
Degree 1st Year Result February 22 to May 12, 2024 September 24, 2024
Exam Name Exam Dates published Result Date
Honours 3rd Year October 9, 2024
Masters Final year October 16 – November 28, 2023 July 14, 2024
Honours 2nd Year November 30, 2023 – 6 February, 2024 May 16, 2024

How to get National University Result

As a National University student, you have two primary options for checking your results: Online Method and SMS Method. Each method has its own advantages. Through the Online Method, you can view your results on the official National University website ( Result). If you don’t have internet access or prefer using your mobile phone, you can check your results via SMS.

Online Method: nu ac bd result

The online method is the most easy and popular way to check your NU results. Visit any site from below link: Select your specific examination from the dropdown menu. You’ll need to enter your roll number and registration number in the designated fields.

Your result will be displayed, showing detailed scores and CGPA. If you face any issues while checking your results online, ensure that you have entered your examination details correctly. Double-check your roll number and registration number before submitting the form.
Visit visit
Select your examination type Select Exam Name & part
Choose the specific Exam Part
Enter your roll & registration number Enter your roll & registration number
Enter Your Exam year Enter Your Exam year
Fill in the Captcha Code
5. Submit and View Results Click ‘Submit’ to view results

SMS Method

In addition to the online method, you can also check your NU results via SMS. This method is useful if you don’t have internet access. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Start a new SMS message.
  2. Type the SMS: NU [SPACE] Exam code [SPACE] ROLL NUMBER
  3. For example, type NU H1 123456 for Honours 1st Year.
  4. Send to 16222: Send the SMS to 16222.

Here are some examples of the correct SMS format for different result types:

  • For Honours results: NU H1 [Your Roll Number]
  • For Degree results: NU DEG [Your Registration Number]
  • For Masters results: NU MF [Your Roll Number]

The SMS method is quick and reliable, especially during high-traffic periods when the website may be slow. Please note that there is a small charge for using the SMS result service depending on your mobile operator. However, for more detailed information about your grades, it’s recommended to check your result online when possible.

www nu ac bd result – National University

The result is the main online platform dedicated to published your National University exam results. This website is maintained and updated by the National University of Bangladesh. You can find various types of examination results, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional courses.

While is the primary source for online results, it’s important to note that during peak times (such as immediately after result publications), the website may experience high traffic. In such cases, you might get slower loading times or temporary access issues. While is a major source for checking results, you can also verify your results via or These additional avenues offer you flexibility in accessing your information.

NU Results Archive

The National University maintains a comprehensive result archive on its official website, allowing students to access their past examination results easily. This archive is an essential resource for students who may need to refer to their previous academic performance for various purposes.

You can find results for Honours, Degree, Masters, and professional programs. It covers data since 1998 for degrees, 2006 for honours, and 2007 for masters. It includes results for all years and consolidated exams.

To access your results, visit the official NU website. You’ll need to select your course and registration details. After entering the necessary information, you can view and even download your result.

List of All Types of NU Results Available

The National University (NU) offers different academic programs and releases various results throughout the year. As a student, it’s important for you to understand the different result categories available. Here’s a comprehensive list of the types of NU results you may encounter:

Honours Result

The National University offers Honours programs in various disciplines, and the NU Honours Result is one of the most sought-after results among students. The Honours program is a four-year undergraduate Course.

The NU Honours 4th Year Result, also known as the NU Honours Final Result, is the culmination of your four-year Honours program. This result determines your final CGPA Score and Marksheet.

Degree Result

The National University offers various undergraduate degree programs. Typically completed over three years, this program offers a more flexible and comprehensive educational experience.

The NU Degree 3rd Year Result is the final result, marking the completion of your degree. This result carries significant weight as it determines your overall CGPA and graduation eligibility.

Masters Result

The National University offers a wide range of Masters programs. These programs are typically divided into two parts: Masters Preliminary and Masters Final.

NU Result Rescrutiny

The National University (NU) offers the opportunity for students to apply for rescrutiny or re-checking their results if they are not satisfied with their Result or Mark scores. Here is what you need to know about the NU Result Rescrutiny for 2025.

To apply for rescrutiny, you’ll need to follow the official guidelines and deadlines provided by the National University. The rescrutiny results can be accessed through the official NU website or their notice board.

To apply for re-scrutiny of the NU Honours 1st Year Result, candidates can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official National University website.
  2. Navigate to the re-scrutiny application portal or section.
  3. Fill out the re-scrutiny application form with the required details and information.
  4. Complete the application process as per the guidelines provided on the website.
  5. Submit the re-scrutiny application along with any necessary fees, if applicable.

National University Grading System

The National University (NU) of Bangladesh has a grading system to measure students academic performance. This grading system includes a Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and division scale to measure.

Percentage Grade Point Letter Grade Division
80% or above 4.00 A+ 1st Division
75% to 79% 3.75 A 1st Division
70% to 74% 3.50 A- 1st Division
65% to 69% 3.25 B+ 1st Division
60% to 64% 3.00 B 1st Division
55% to 59% 2.75 B- 2nd Division
50% to 54% 2.50 C+ 2nd Division
45% to 49% 2.25 C 2nd Division
40% to 44% 2.00 D 3rd Division
0 to 39% 0.00 F Fail


We provide everything you need to know about NU Result 2025 from the National University of Bangladesh. In this complete guide, we explored various aspects of the National University results. This includes the NU latest published results, the NU result archive, and specific result categories such as Honours, Masters, and Degree programs. We also provided step-by-step instructions on how to check your NU result 2025 online and via SMS.

We hope that this guide has been helpful in providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the National University results and the various methods to access them including online. The article also highlights the comprehensive nature of the NU result system, which includes individual subject grades, overall GPA, and final degree classifications where applicable.

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